Story of respect

The diamond trick and the secret of respect

Once upon a time there was a young king. He had only just become this because his father had died. His father was much loved and had enjoyed great respect from his people. The young king did not have this respect and the staff in the palace, the ministers and the people thought the young king was just stubborn. The young king then asked his general, “How can I get more respect?” The general said, “Respect must be enforced! Make strict rules and laws and anyone who disobeys will be fined or punished.” From then on, everyone ran for the young king and did as he commanded. If they did not, they received severe punishments from the judge. The young king did notice the difference of this forced respect from the loving respect they had for his father. He felt the discontentment of his people, they jumped to their feet and bowed to him, but in their eyes he could see that they were not happy with him.

The young king then asked his prime minister, “How can I get more respect?” The prime minister said, “Respect can be taught! There is enough money in the treasury, we have a lot of knowledge in our country, we teach them how to treat each other respectfully. We teach them to become respectable people by teaching them to read and write. So that through the diplomas and titles we give them, they get respect. Everyone will thank you that their children are raised so well with a lot of knowledge. And we teach them to have respect for you, the king, their parents, ministers, police, emergency workers, etc.” The king agreed and all the children were educated. The country was doing very well, the parents had more time and could work more, the people with their knowledge could make many new machines to save time, to communicate, to store knowledge, and so on.

The king saw that the newly learned respect and knowledge gave him more respect for what he had done for his people, but he still felt that he did not receive the loving respect that his father enjoyed. Moreover, he saw that the ministers (of education) kept increasing the pressure to perform but that this did not make the people happier. The respect again crumbled among the children. These laughed at the king and had a big mouth and no more respect.

The young king now remembered his father's counselor and close friend and decided to seek him out. The latter had retired after his father's death and lived in a forest far away from the people. When he came to the old man he said, “I am the new king, the son of the king who has always served you. Would you give me some advice, for my father was always full of praise for you. “The old man stood up with difficulty and then made a very deep bow to the young king. He said, “If I can help you, I will do so out of respect for you. The respect I had for your father, the old king, is great, and I will be happy and delighted if I can be of service to you.

Ask your question.” The young king was pleasantly surprised by that deep bow and humility; he himself felt great respect for the old man. He suddenly felt himself small and inexperienced. He asked his question, “Why is it that my people do not respect me as much as my father was respected? What was the secret or trick that he got so much respect?”

The old man smiled and said, “I will teach you the trick first and then tell you the secret. The trick is the crown you inherited from your father as king. On top of it is a magic diamond. People cannot see that diamond unless you bend far forward. Show the diamond to everyone you meet. Bend down deeply so they can see it clearly and they will respect you lovingly. But remember the diamond is magical and loses its power and regains its power when you smile and be nice to everyone you meet.”

The young king was glad he knew the trick and bowed deeply to everyone to show his diamond properly. Then he smiled and acted very kindly so that the diamond would not lose its magical powers. Now he received loving respect in return from his people and spontaneously everyone started treating each other more respectfully. This was the kind of respect he was looking for. Happy, he went to the old man again to tell him the good news. The old man wanted to stand up to take another deep bow, but the king said, “No, stay quiet. Thanks to you, I finally get the respect I had been looking for as king. Come live in my palace where it is warm, where my servants make food for you and will take care of you as thanks for the trick you taught me.” “No,” said the old man and bowed, ”The diamond is the trick, but it is not magical and has no secret powers. The diamond taught you to bend, that was the trick. By showing respect, you spontaneously get respect back. Smiling, being kind, makes the magic of respect. The secret is, “Respect you must give in order to receive it!” If you take away from forced or learned respect the smile and kindness, you cannot develop spontaneous respect. You can only do that if the authority itself has it.

This is the secret of respect! Children have a natural spontaneous respect for their parents, nature, their environment, authorities, etc. If you take the spontaneous respect away from them by taking them away from their parents and nature and show their environment only forced and learned respect, chances are they will become disrespectful because they never received the spontaneous respect.

“You have to give respect in order to receive it!"

“Leave me here,” said the old man, “I belong in nature.This one shows me a much more beautiful diamond, and smiles continuously. In nature, loving respect is very common, priceless and yet free." The man now smiled at the king.